Thursday, November 19, 2009

Trying New Things, In This Case Food

For those of you who know me well you know that I am somewhat of a picky eater. Granted my tastes have changed quite a bit over the past few years. I thought some might enjoy hearing about some of my most recent food adventures. (And just so you know what I find adventurous, 90% of the population finds ordinary.)

First on the list, vegetables. I used to hate pretty much any vegetable. Now I find myself craving and enjoying corn and various steamed vegetables. I have gone so far as to try green beans, asparagus, squash, and various other things. I don't get what the fuss is all about with the asparagus, can't say it really knocked my socks off. But corn is becoming a new favorite, especially when it's on the cob.

Next is desserts. I'm much more of a salty than sweet person but lately the sweet tooth has been kicking in. I now LOVE peach cobbler. I would say it's one of my new favorite things. I used to hate cooked fruit, mainly because of the texture. Now I find myself trying various fruity desserts. Still not a fan of cherries though. I've also branched out to various pies and puddings. Before I could always go without a dessert or something sweet but now it's a little bit harder to pass it up.

Now the next thing I'm about to talk about might upset a couple of people. Mainly Ben and Sarah because for years they have tried to get me to bend on this and I never would. I would always say NO! when they offered this as a lunch option so I want to apologize to them for always being so firm on that answer. This week I went to lunch with my friend Zack. Lately I've been choosing where we eat so when we were discussing where to go he mentioned wanting Panera. I have always been adamant in my stance against Panera because I've never been a huge soup, salad, sandwich person. Especially with Panera because I believe their sandwiches to be "too fancy," which if you know me you know what that means. Granted this has slowly been changing in current years thanks in large part to Sarah and only taking me to sandwich shops when we went to DC. Anyway back to the point I'm trying to make. So Zack suggests Panera and at first I tell him that I would prefer to go somewhere else, but he pleads his case for wanting soup and a sandwich. I realized as he was talking that almost every food suggestion Zack has made to me I always say no or say that I don't like something. Feeling bad about this I felt it was time to give in and finally go to Panera and give it a shot. I ended up enjoying my Panera lunch experience very much. (Don't get me wrong, I've always loved Panera for breakfast, I'm not that crazy.) Granted all I had was a turkey sandwich and some mac & cheese but it was quite tasty. I also tried Zack's Tomato Basil soup which I ended up liking very much. So, Panera can now officially be added to the places to go for lunch list. Again, Ben and Sarah, I'm sorry for always saying no. I should have been a good friend and sacrificed going so many years ago. Please forgive me.

Now on to coffee beverages. Just today I discovered that I might enjoy a latte from time to time. Paige and I went to Starbucks and their special holiday menu caught my eye, so I decided to order a Caramel Brulee Latte. Turns out it is quite a wonderful beverage. Although after awhile it got to be too sweet. Paige ordered the Gingerbread Latte which was also very tasty. Granted I don't plan on making Starbucks a habit because I still believe that paying $4 for a cup of coffee a day is ridiculous. But it is a nice treat from time to time.

So those are my food tales. I hope you enjoyed them. I'm very much looking forward to Thanksgiving and possibly adding more to my plate than just turkey, potatoes, and a roll.

1 comment:

Sarah said...


My plain bagel and water only friend has now found out what she has been missing?! As if Ben and I would not always have your best interests at heart!!

Can't wait to have a latte with you in Nairobi--we'll get Java House t-shirts to commemorate.

Love you.