Friday, November 20, 2009

We Just Can't Be Stopped

Last night the Kickin' Friends took the field yet again and walked away with wins in both our games. Sure the first game was won by forfeit but the second was a true competition. We played the Rec Sports team in our second game and it was by far the hardest game yet. It some ways it was also very sad. You would think that the Rec Sports team would be very friendly and set the example of good sportsmanship. Man was this the wrong assumption to have. Although I shouldn't pin their awful sportsmanship on the whole team, just one of their team members. There was one guy on their team who had a poor attitude from the start. He was questioning plays, rules, and calls. Come to find out at the end of the game he's the guys who actually wrote the kickball rules so I was surprised that he seemed to be so confused about the way the game worked. He was also such a spoil sport that after we beat them he didn't even shake anyones hand to say "Good Game!" In fact the whole team seemed in shock when we started approaching them to do this. I mean really people, it's kickball, not the World Series or the World Cup.

Anyway, everyone did an amazing job last night. I think the final score ended up being 2-0 or 3-0. Matt had an awesome homerun that really pissed off a couple of their players. I had the best game of the season last night. Granted it started off not so great. At my first two at kicks I had to try to beat the ball to first base. Instead of just throwing the ball to the baseman the jerk from above thought it more appropriate to try to peg me as hard as he could. The first time I'm not sure what happened I just know I ended up rolling on the ground. The second time I got pegged in the head after crossing the base but they still called me out. (Don't worry my memory is still in tact) Again this hit also resulted in me tumbling on the ground. But I brushed myself off and took my position in left field and ended up making two catches in the outfield. It's funny, and you wouldn't think it would, but catching a pop up kickball is kind of a rush. Especially since the balls were pretty high on both catches and the fact that both were kicked by guys who thought their "shit didn't stink." Pardon the expression.

I'm pretty sure that this secured us a place in the championships. Our next games won't be until December. I'm sure we'll be playing the Chi Alpha team or the Rec Sports team for the Championship game. Playing Rec Sports would be a more intense game but Chi Alpha is so much more fun to play with because they're competitive without being jerks, so we'll see.

That's all I got for now. As you can tell INSANITY was kinda put on the back burner this week. We're hoping to get a couple of days in next week then really hit it hard after Thanksgiving.

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