Monday, November 9, 2009

Day 3 Made Day 2 Look Like A Cake Walk

Today we all joined together to continue our journey through INSANITY. We were told that day 2 was the hardest day. Whoever thought that was true needs to be hit in the face. Today was, by far, harder than day 2. I realize that there might be a couple of reasons for this. One being that it's always hard to start something back up after two days of rest. Especially something as intensive as this.

I found myself getting tired a lot quicker than in the past two workouts. I even made it a point to stay hydrated over the weekend. For some reason I just had a hard time pushing through. I did it though. I don't think I've ever sweat more in my life than I did today. (Except this one time when I got sick. Mathis you know what I'm talking about.) Anyway I would say 60% of my shirt was a darker green than the rest. I love when this happens though. It makes me feel like I've really accomplished something.

Another thing I both love and hate about this experience is getting up early. While part of me misses that extra hour of sleep in the morning I feel so much better after working out. It's very fulfilling starting your day off with something this productive.

I hope to post some before pics soon. I meant to take my camera this morning but I forgot. I'll also start incorporating other news in my blog as it comes up. That's all I got for now.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Ha...yeah, that flu bug thing you had was probably the best sweat workout of your life. gross. I am such a good friend.

Please post pics! You are our guinea pig for this INSANITY thing (I like the all caps, too).

Love you.