Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Back On Track

So 4 days off is 4 days too many for INSANITY. Today we finally got back on track. Or should I say I got back on track. The group has met the last two days I think, but I haven't. It was supposed to be a straight cardio day today but one of the DVDs got misplaced. By straight cardio I mean that there's no stopping for breaks, you just go as much as you can and take breaks when needed. So today we ended up doing the plyometric cardio circuit again. This work out has water breaks, which are always much appreciated.

Today I felt like I mostly just went through the motions. To make it sound better I'll say that I focused more on form that speed. I'm finding it difficult to do some of the workouts in the push up position. My right wrist does not like this very much but I push through as best as I can. Not sure what tomorrow holds but I can gaurantee sweat will be involved.

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