Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 4: Stretching It Out

As you can see by the title today was day 4 of INSANITY!!! (You'll notice I always write this in all caps. I do this because that's how it's written on the box and it just helps imply how INSANE it really is.)

Today was cardio cool down day. This consisted of about 30 minutes of doing various stretches and things of the like. I went into the morning with no soreness in any part of my legs. Tomorrow I don't believe this will be the case. We did lots of squats so I have a feeling my quads are going to be super tight tomorrow. I learned today that I'm more balanced on the left side of my body than the right. I say this because anytime I had to pick up my right leg and balance on my left I was fine. When it was the other way around it took everything I had to stay standing. Even though all we did was stretch it still felt like a full workout.

I think tonight I might try to go for a run. Try to keep my legs loose.

Got day 5 tomorrow. Should be fun!

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