Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Holidays Are Upon Us

And I couldn't be more excited. I am so ready to go home tomorrow for my most favoritist of holidays. I can't really say why, but Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas but there's just something about Thanksgiving that makes me love it more.

I'm very excited about this year because of my desire to try new things. I plan on trying everything that my mom makes this year. I'll report back with new likes and dislikes.

The RAs are currently shutting down the building. There's nothing I love more than an almost empty residence hall. Everything is so quite and peaceful. It makes me wish that it was already the end of the semester. That's the only bad thing about Thanksgiving, it's such a tease for the Christmas break.

I'm actually looking forward to my drive home tomorrow. I've got my iPod ready and am ready to sing until my little heart's content. Granted I can't carry a tune in a bucket but when I'm alone in my car I'm a pro. I'm so ready to see my family and spend time with them. I am also excited to see Amy's new house. Now I'll have two places to visit when I go home.

Tonight will probably be an early once since I'll be hitting the road bright and early in the a.m. But not before I get my fill of Glee for the evening.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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