Thursday, November 12, 2009

Kickin' Friends

Tonight is our second week of kickball. Last Thursday we dominated both our games with wins of 11-2 and 10-0. We're hoping to continue our winning streak tonight. We've got two more games tonight which should be really fun. I'll be decked out in my red shirt and red, knee high socks. It's a sight to see, let me tell you. Mathis, wish you could be here to play with us.

Also tonight is another new episode of Bones (my obsession, in case you forgot). Last week I had to tape it because of kickball and will have to do the same this week. Hopefully this week it will actually tape. Last week I got home, sat down to watch it, and nothing. For some reason the recorder didn't kick on. I was very, very upset. But taping Glee last night went of without a hitch so hopefully taping Bones won't be a problem tonight. I've very excited because tonight sees the return of Gordon Gordon. If you don't watch the show this means nothing to you so you probably don't care, but his excites me to no end. I hear that this episode is full of lots of wonderful moments so I can't wait.

We all ended up taking the day off from INSANITY today so that's why no update there. Everyone had stuff to do super early today. But tomorrow we'll be back with a vengeance.

Day 6 here we come!!

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