Sunday, November 8, 2009


So last week Ben Taylor, one my nearest and dearest friends, decided that he was going to start a workout called INSANITY ( It's by the same company that does P90X. One of Ben's RAs bought the program and he opened it up to anyone that wanted to take part. So starting last Thursday me, Ben, Derek, and Harper joined together in the Bruce Concert Hall at 7:15 am and started our 60 day transformation.

Day 1 was a 15 minute physical fitness test. Sadly none of us brought pen and paper to document the number of reps we were able to accomplish for each exercise. We will do the test every two weeks so we figure we'll just start tracking then.

Day 2 was apparently the hardest workout. Apparently if you can make it through day 2 the rest of the program won't be easy but it won't be impossible either. Day 1 didn't leave me too sore which was a plus. Day 2 was definitely tough but we all got through it. The video stresses that technique is more important than speed so we take our time on some of the exercises if necessary. The first step out of my bed on Saturday was very painful. There are a lot of cardio moves that keep you on your toes. I don't think my calves have ever been so tight before.

We've decided to only do the program during the week giving us the weekend to rest our bodies and sleep in.

Tomorrow we've got day 3. Woot!!

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