Sunday, June 21, 2009

Another Weeked O' Fun

This time Denton and Dallas being the location. It has come to my attention that I have been rather lax on my summer movie watching. Usually the summer I hit up every movie that comes out. This summer I have found myself pondering over the listing not finding anything of great interest. That was until this weekend.

I like to think of this weekend as comedy weekend. It was the perfect weekend to go catch a movie if you really wanted to laugh. Friday a small group of us went to see The Proposal.

If you like to see Ryan Reynold with no shirt...GO SEE THIS MOVIE! You won't be disappointed. It was also really funny. Sandra Bullock is still the awesome, glad she made her way back to the big screen. Betty White is also hilarious as the grandmother. So be sure to check it out. And if you don't like it, then that's your problem I guess.

Saturday I ventured into Dallas to meet up with my friend Wilson for lunch. It had been almost a year since I last saw her so it was great to get to catch up. Whilst down south and being so near to the Angelika I took the opportunity to see Sam Mendes's new masterpiece, Away We Go. He didn't disappoint. The movie opened with his great room shots that he's so well known for. I've gotta say that this is probably the best movie I've seen in a long time. It was funny, sweet, and at time even a little sad. John Krasinski and Mya Rudolph were phenomenal. So if you're near a theater that play this. GO SEE IT!!

1 comment:

Matt and Sarah said...

I really want to see Away We Go...let me know when it comes out on DVD.

You need to post more. June was your last post?!

love you.