Tuesday, February 16, 2010


That's right folks, INSANITY has returned thanks to Ben Taylor. He went on Craigslist and found someone willing to part with this grueling form of torture for a lower price than as sold on TV. So last night we laced up our trainers (sorry I decided to become English for a second) and decided to give this thing another go.

You know what's truly sad? It was harder this time than it was the very first time we tried it. Granted when you basically sit on your ass for 3 months it's no wonder that trying to get back into the groove of working out is going to be tough. We've switched from early mornings to working out in the evenings. We'll see if we can keep it up this time. I must say, I was very disappointed in myself last night. As I stood there trying to struggle through the stupid work out all I kept thinking was, "I used to run half marathons and work out everyday. Why did I stop working out on a regular basis?!?" I kept kicking myself the rest of the night. Not literally of course, that would hurt a lot.

I think my motivation is slowly returning though. In a way it has to. I need to be in an least some sort of my shape for my approaching trip. Granted we won't be doing anything super, super strenuous but I'd like to be able to go on a hike without getting winded in 5 minutes.

So, here's to hoping that we stick with it this go around.

29 days till Africa!

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