Thursday, February 4, 2010

New Look and a Little Rambling

So I decided to change my blog template a little. I got tired of the old one. Since my favorite color is blue I figured I'd just go with this layout. Hope you like it and that it's pleasing to the eye.

These past two weeks have been crazy busy. Lots of little things keep popping up and my days are spent going from meeting to meeting. I can't complain too much. It's nice being busy but lots of stress has been brought on lately. I hoping that next week things will start to settle down a little bit more.

It looks like I'll be traveling to the health department once more tomorrow to get my typhoid and polio shots. If anything this trip is helping me get over my fear of needles. Maybe I'll get a tattoo after all. Leave it to Sarah to force me into liking something I once hated.

This weekend I will be heading to Dallas to see The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus. For those who might not be aware, this is Heath Ledger's last film. It should be a good time. It looks like an amazing movie and I've heard nothing but good things about it. Derek, Amanda, Zack, and a slew of others are joining me, so that should be lots of fun. After the movie I plan on stopping by REI to pick up some things for my Africa trip.
For those who are aware of my Bones obsession I might fall into a bit of a depression in the near future. Sadly, there will be no new episodes until April. Stupid Fox and American Idol and the Winter Olympics. Two months with no Bones. Whatever will I do? Luckily, Lost has started up again to help keep my mind off of it.

41 days to go!

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