Tuesday, February 9, 2010

TV is Running My Life

Now that I no longer have classes or homework to worry about TV has taken control of my life once again. Granted this started about six months ago but I just now felt compelled to write about it. For Christmas I received the greatest tool to help me keep track of everything, my wonderful Tivo. Oh how I love it so. No longer do I have to worry about setting tapes or keeping up with when new shows are on. My Tivo does it all for me and I love it.

I have always loved television. I do like reading every now and then but to me nothing beats discovering a new TV show and getting hooked. And thanks to the technological advances that brought us DVDs it's even possible to revisit old favorites, which I've been doing a lot of lately.

Will & Grace and Friends have always been two of my favorite sitcoms. I have the complete series of both (well almost, somehow I'm still missing season 2 of W&G). Sadly I had lost touch with these shows because their syndication schedules kept changing and I would always seem to miss episodes when they were on TV. Recently I've found myself randomly popping in a DVD here and there of each show and just letting a disc run at a time. I'm finding that the longer you go without watching them the funnier they are when you actually do. Granted, I remember every punch line but more often I find myself laughing out loud. It's been really fun watching W&G because I would always quote this show with Amy (my older sister) and Sarah (my best friend). Watching it this week has brought back various memories I share with each of them.

As I might have mentioned before, LOST is back. I really wish I would have followed through with watching it from the beginning. I intended on doing that this past summer but Bones sidetracked me. I'm up to speed since I've been watching the show since season 2 but there are so many little things I've forgotten. I guess I owe this realization to Ben. He just finished watching season 4 and 5 so everything is still really fresh in his mind. He keeps talking about things that I only kinda, sort of remember, and it's driving me nuts. Oh well. There's a new episode on tonight which will make for a great week of theorizing and discussing. I think that's what I love most about Lost. There's a good number of us that watch it and are able to talk about it. The other day, Ben, Eugene, and I started talking about it and before I knew it an hour had passed. I think I might purchase a water cooler for Eugene's office. We've also talked about mounting huge dry erase boards in his office that we can write our Lost theories and make huge flow charts.

The TV list could go on and on. There are tons of shows on my "to watch list." Dexter (keep hearing how amazing it is), House (because I want to know what all the House/Cuddy business is about), and Firefly (because I now love Nathan Fillion) to name a few. If only they made a chip that you could stick in your brain to download everything so you wouldn't have to actually take the time to watch it. How amazing would that be?

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