Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Staying Sane

Last Tuesday became the last day that I will probably ever do the INSANITY work out. I was doing the fit test with Josh and Derek and during the power jumps I did something to my back. I'm not sure what exactly, but I do know that I was practically immobile for the rest of the day and the next. Now here I am one week later and I still feel the twinges of pain in my lower back. So I have decided that it's not worth the pain in causes. It seemed like a fun thing to do and a great way to get in shape, but more often than not I walked away in more pain than feeling I accomplished something. So my Insanity days are no more. From now on I'm just going to stick to running and free weights.

On a happier note I get to see my best friend in 10 days. This excites me to no end. It has been one llllloooooonnnnnngggggg year since we've seen each other. I've gone a tad overboard when it comes to preparing for the trip. But hey, this is a once in a life time thing and I figured I deserved a chance to splurge. Granted I've been buying things I don't necessarily need but things that I no doubt will have numerous chances to use for the rest of my time here on earth. Plus, North Face stuff is just cool. In my opinion you can never have too much North Face stuff. (If you hadn't guessed that's what I've been splurging on.)

1 comment:

david santos said...

Really very good work!
Have a nice Valentin Day!