Saturday, June 6, 2009

Summer's Off to a Great Start

So far this summer looks to be one of the best so far...and it's only been three weeks. Here's a little run down of what has made it awesome so far:

*Steady stream of ultimate frisbee games have started. I decided to dust off my shoes and come out of retirement. My mom insists that I wear a helmet since I once got a concusion from the sport. I have chosen to defy her and go helmetless. So far no head injuries.

*We have had not one, but two amazing cookouts with Ben and Derek at the healm of the grill. We've cooked enough meat to last an entire summer. We have had steaks, pork chops, chicken, ribs, brats, hot links, burgers, and hot dogs. That's right...all that food between 2 cookouts.

*Ben and I went to the No Doubt concert. One of the best concerts I've ever seen. It's safe to say that I would rank it in my top 5. The only down side was that my knees were in pain for two days after because of all the jumping around.

*I've had the chance to spend some time with some amazing people. Nothing major, just hanging out, making dinner, stuff like that.

*I got to spend a relaxing week at home with the fam. Caught up on much needed rest and started my summer tan lounging by the pool.

*I have fallen in love with another great TV show thanks to Paige Poole. I'm addicted to Bones. If you have a chance, watch it. You won't be disappointed.

So that's just a few things that have made this summer wonderful so far. Things yet to come include a trip to San Antonio with my sister to see Wicked, a possible weekend trip to Austin with Derek, Amanda, and Ben, and who knows what else. As always I'm hoping to meet the man of my dreams. Maybe this is the summer it will happen.

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