Monday, November 5, 2007

My New Favorite TV Show

I love The Office. I never miss an episode. It's been my favorite tv show since I discovered its wonder. And I'm here to say that The Office will always be a favorite of mine. But today I'm pronouncing my love for a new show. Well the show isn't new (although it is in its sophomore season) but it's new to me.

The show of which I speak is the creation of one of the greatest female comedy writers of today...Tina Fey. And the show of which I speak is of course...30 Rock. (Thanks to Eugene for lending me season 1) it...embrace it...and buy season 1 on dvd. And if you don't find it funny my apologies. But I love it.

And let's all hope that this writer's strike ends soon so that all the shows we hold dear to our hearts will continue. Cause it seems that most shows have only taped about two more episodes which means if there's not a resolve soon we'll be in rerun city for some time.

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