Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Great Weekends are the Greatest

Last weekend I traveled out to Boone again so that I could help Sarah celebrate her 27th Birthday. We had such a great time. She decided that she wanted another marshmallow roasting bonfire and her friend Matt was nice enought to open up his home to us, fire pit and all. I had the opportunity to meet all of her new Boone friends...and they are all amazing...and ridiculously good-looking. Seriously, I think Boone is an untapped resource for super models. And as always it was great to see Sarah and just hang out.

And this weekend is my most favorite of all the holidays. I don't know why but I just love Thanksgiving. I'm so excited to be going home. I haven't been home all semester. I can't wait.

Happy Turkey Day everyone!!!!

Monday, November 5, 2007

My New Favorite TV Show

I love The Office. I never miss an episode. It's been my favorite tv show since I discovered its wonder. And I'm here to say that The Office will always be a favorite of mine. But today I'm pronouncing my love for a new show. Well the show isn't new (although it is in its sophomore season) but it's new to me.

The show of which I speak is the creation of one of the greatest female comedy writers of today...Tina Fey. And the show of which I speak is of course...30 Rock. (Thanks to Eugene for lending me season 1) it...embrace it...and buy season 1 on dvd. And if you don't find it funny my apologies. But I love it.

And let's all hope that this writer's strike ends soon so that all the shows we hold dear to our hearts will continue. Cause it seems that most shows have only taped about two more episodes which means if there's not a resolve soon we'll be in rerun city for some time.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Across the Universe = AMAZING!!!!!

I love much so that I went to college and got a degree in film. My favorite film class was my Film Criticism class I took my senior year. For the class we had to go a different movie every week and write a review over it. For the first time since I wish I was back in that class so that I could write about the wonderfully beautiful, amazingly brilliant movie that I saw today.
Across the Universe is one of the greatest films I have seen in some time. Lately my love for movies has started to waiver. I find myself getting bored with a lot of movies before they're over. But today as I traveled to my local Cinemark to view Julie Taymor's latest I had the chance to witness one of the most captivating movies I've seen in years. If you haven't seen this movie you need to. Below I have included a link to the movie's website that will hopefully entice you to go to the theater nearest you and check it out. Just a's a little trippy, but if you so much as like the Beatles you will LOVE this movie.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Airline Ticket Searching = STRESSFUL!!!

Why is it that searching for airfare can be so stressful? I mean is it just me or can it become one of the most taxing tasks ever?

I was recently searching for an airline ticket and it started to drive me nuts. One day it's like $450 and the next day it's like $200. It's almost as if someone is on another computer monitoring the fact that you're looking for a ticket at a particular price and has decided to play a game of "Let's see how long before they crack!"

So anyway, I'm searching for tickets the last couple of days and the prices are comepletely within my range (YEA!!). The only problem is that I can't purchase the ticket until payday (BOO!). So I get out of class last night and think to myself..."I'm gonna check the prices one more time." So I get online and look up the tickets I've had my eye on and I get the message that everyone hates to see that more than likely isn't know which phrase I mean..."THIS IS THE LAST TICKET AT THIS PRICE!!!!"

AAAAHHHHHHH!!! What do I do? Do I buy the ticket now and run the risk of draining my bank account?!? do I wait and cross my fingers?!?...I mean really it's all too much. So I broke and gave into the gimmicks of the stupid ticket websites and bought my ticket. (p.s. I love, the fares were cheaper directly from them than they were on any of the cheap fare finder websites.)

As if the searching process wasn't stressful enough I then chose to torture myself even more by looking at the fares once I bought my ticket. Luckily the prices hadn't dropped any lower. So tomorow I will quit the ticket game and be happy that I found a great fare on a ticket to visit one of my favorite people and to visit the beautiful place pictured below.