Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Countdown to Africa!

For those of you who may not know, in 50 days I'll be winging my way to Africa. That's right, I'm crossing the big blue ocean and going on what's sure to be the vacation of a lifetime. Granted, I've already been to some amazing places across the globe but what makes this trip stand out is that I'm making the journey there and back solo. I'm not gonna lie, that makes me really nervous. Sure I've traveled many a times but always with my family or a large group. It's safe to say though that my excitement outweighs my nervousness.

Some might wonder why I'm traveling to The Dark Continent. But if you know me at all (which if you read this blog you must because I doubt that I have a secret following for this thing made up of strangers) then you know it's to go and visit my best friend Sarah and her amazing husband Matt (that's them down below). They've been working in Sudan for the last year doing amazing things for Samaritan's Purse. Since they moved over there we've always talked about me going for a visit and that time is finally here. So, I thought it'd be fun to use the ol' blog to document things I'm doing to get ready for the trip.

As you can probably tell, if you're a dedicated reader, Insanity didn't work out so well. I think we lasted all of two weeks with that little venture. Oh well, I guess you could say it's better to have started and failed then to have not started at all.

Anyways, from now on I plan on updating you with all the little tidbits I feel like sharing as I prep for the longest vacation I've taken in awhile. Some fun things have already happened so I'll share those is other little blurbs.

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