Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Recurring Thought

As I was doing the reading for this week, one thought kept coming to mind.  Are those that are discriminating always doing so on purpose?  Don't get me wrong.  I understand that there are hateful, racist people in the world who discriminate and do it knowingly.  But this can't always be the case.  It just makes me wonder if people are discriminating or just acting in accordance with the way they were brought up or raised. (does that make sense?)  And if so then whose to blame for their acts of discrimination?  The person themselves because they should know better?  Their parent's for teaching them that attitude?  The grandparents for teaching the parents?  You see where I'm going with this.  Anyway...just a thought I felt like sharing.

I enjoyed all the readings this week.  Like I mentioned last week I like the Rothenberg book and how it's broken down into anecdotes, news stories, and short articles.  Now a days I don't ever think about discrimination against women, but thanks to the Women in the State Police article I realize it's still very prevalent.  It was shocking some of the things that happened to the female officers.  To be honest all the readings made me think and realize even more how much I take for granted.

I really liked the two articles that we had to read as well.  I like how both studies had personal aspects to them.  Using personal stories and experiences made the articles much more enjoyable to read.

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