Monday, December 7, 2009

We Won!!!!

Last Thursday the Kickin' Friends took the Co-Rec Intramural Kickball Championship. We ended up playing the Rec team again. You remember the Rec team, I wrote of them in an earlier post. Turns out the guy with a the really poor attitude still has a really poor attitude about losing. We were playing like champs from the start. We were the first team to kick. In the first inning we scored 8 runs. Matt kicked a grand slam. It was awesome. Khaki Cap (that's what I call poor attitude guy) started out as pitcher but after we scored so many runs he decided his talents were being wasted so he moved to the outfield. It didn't really help the team much. We ended up winning 10-1 I think. Here we are below with our awesome t-shirts.
Needless to say the Kickin' Friends will be back to defend our title. It was a super fun season and well worth the rec fee to be able to play.