Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Master's, Check!...Closedown, Check!

So last Friday I graduated with my Master's...what, what!! It was a pretty boring ceremony but a milestone I know I would have regretted if I didn't walk. So the painful two hours was worth it. Friday also marked the end to another year in Housing...so summer if officially here. Bring on the summer camps. Closedown was actually pretty smooth this year...no big complaints and pretty much everyone got out on time. I will say that I'm going to miss my staff tremendously. This bunch was really special and the ones that are leaving are going to be truly missed.

No other major developments in my life really. Sarah and Matt moved to Africa and I miss them dearly but still talk to them quite often, so that's a plus. Be sure to check out their blog to stay up on their African Adventures (nowery.blogspot.com).

I plan on spending this summer reading what I can, watching lots of tv, and rewatching Lost from the beginning. Exciting I know, don't be jealous. Ultimate will also play a big role in my summer plans. Game 2 is tonight...woot!