Thursday, January 29, 2009

About Me

As you can see this is also one of my personal blogs so feel free to enjoy my previous posts!

Now here's a brief biography for you:

I was born in Houston in 1982 and my family soon moved to Conroe the following year. Conroe was a small little southern town when we moved there and through most of my time spent there. In the last few years, since I've moved to Denton, it has boomed quite a bit. I wouldn't call it your stereotypical type of small Texas town. I always went to school with people from various "walks of life" if you will. I was raised a conservative Southern Baptist but have broadened my view of things as I've grown up. I've always been close to my family and they've always been loving and supportive of everything I do. I have one older sister who still lives back at home that I don't get to see as often as I'd like. A lot of who I am has come from my family. They taught me the difference between what's right and wrong. They taught me to care for others and help others when needed. They taught me how to go after what I want. They also taught me that it's okay to question things and try to find things out for myself. They helped give me a basis of a belief system by raising me in the Baptist church but never forced me to believe in things I might not think are true (if that makes any sense).

Going away to school was something that both my parents never thought I would do because I was such a homebody. I didn't even enjoy going to camp in the summer. That's how much I hated being away from home. It's now been nine years since I've been living on my own and I can't imagine my life any other way. It was hard for my mom to grasp at first, especially since my older sister didn't move out first. But it's no longer an issue and hasn't been for some time now.

I came to UNT to study film because my dream was to one day be a film director or cinematographer. That dream has since passed because during my undergrad days I realized everything I loved about film was more at the hobby level. I would see people in the program who were really cut-throat about it and I realized that my passion was more for the enjoyment of it. But while I was working on my undergrad I became a resident assistant and just loved working for housing. It gave me the opportunity to in a sense be part of a family, since I couldn't actually be with mine. I've been in housing in some capacity now for nine years and have loved every second of it. I love working with students and hope that in some way I can impact there lives and help them grow as they try to find what they want to do in life.